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Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a condition that causes tissues of the endometrium (uterine lining) to grow outside of the uterus. This tissue swells with blood as ovulation approaches, when the uterine lining is shed during menstruation the implants bleed, except the blood becomes trapped inside of the body. It can be severely painful Over time the growth of the implants, the repeated internal bleeding and inflammation may cause the development of adhesions (scar tissue). Endometriosis may attach to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel, bladder, ligaments or other areas in the abdominal cavity


  • Heavy menstruation with pain, large clots, long or abnormal length of cycles

  • Lower abdominal pain, back pain, burning pain over the site

  • Frequent or constant pain all month long

  • Painful sexual intercourse

  • Pain during bowel movement or urination

  • Swollen abdomen

  • Infertility

Endometriosis is usually diagnosed by laparoscopic surgery.

Too much estrogen/too little progesterone contributes to endometriosis…estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance can occur when you have months with no ovulation.

Estrogen dominance may develop from exposure to and ingestion of xenoestrogens which are man-made toxins that mimic the body’s naturally produced estrogen. Xenoestrogens are found in and on many of the foods we eat, and may be a part of other chemicals we may be exposed to unknowingly or knowingly, daily. They are known endocrine disruptors which means they disrupt hormones & hormone balance. One of the worst is Dioxin. Dioxin is considered a Persistent Organic Pollutant, POP for short, that slowly over time accumulates in our bodies. This pollutant is carried in the air and in our water systems as well, which affects the entire food chain and planet.

Do I need Surgery? Doctors will often suggest laparoscopic or abdominal surgery to remove the endometrial lesions, scar tissue damaged areas and clip away adhesions if possible. In the case of severe endometriosis, a doctor may suggest a full hysterectomy.

Doctors may prescribe medications to stop the menstrual cycle to prevent further growth of the endometrial tissues. This may also help to reduce pain. They all come with a variety of side effects. Medications are not always effective and once medications are stopped the endometriosis may come back or spread further.

Also, if you are hoping for pregnancy, you have now altered your entire female reproductive system.

But let’s talk about some natural therapies

1. Progesterone: You use progesterone cream from Days 8 to 26 of your cycle, to reduce the effects of estrogen on the body (estrogen stimulates endometrial growth). Take a short break to refresh your receptor sites. Symptoms have been successfully controlled within 6 months for many women. Once the pain is gone, you reduce your dose to Day 12-the beginning of your cycle. Consider an estrogen-xenoestrogen cleanse. There is a correlation between the body’s inability to remove excess toxins and waste products in women with endometriosis.

ProHELP Moisture Creme

2. DIM is an excellent estrogen detoxer. It breaks down excess estrogen to remove it from the body. Another great choice is milk thistle to support the liver which plays a big role detoxing excess estrogens.

3. Eliminate dairy & red meat. Studies have shown that there is a connection between red meat consumption and endometriosis. If you do indulge, choose organic

4. Essential Fatty Acids: These reduce inflammation and will help lessen the pain of endometriosis. Especially focus on Omega 3s, as they support hormonal balance. You want Flax seeds, organic eggs, and wild salmon. Borage Oil, which is Omega 6 is wonderful for you.

5. Increase fiber intake. This is important. Fiber helps the body to get rid of excess estrogens. Great sources of fiber are dark leafy greens, broccoli, swiss chard, quinoa, Chia seeds, and beans.

6. Avoid Exposure to Environmental Toxins as best you can. I have a handout to help you if you would like it.

7. Systemic Enzyme Therapy. Systemic enzymes have the ability to break down fibrin, the substance that makes up scar tissue. They help reduce inflammation and increase circulation to the reproductive organs. Which helps to hinder scar tissue and adhesion formation, while also reducing pain caused by scar tissue. They help get “stagnant” blood cleared out, bringing fresh, oxygenated blood to your ovaries and uterus. The most common ones are Bromelain (from pineapple), Papain (from papaya) and Nattokinase from fermented soybeans. Remember, soy is ok if it is fermented. You can find good formulas with a combo of these. You will want to stay on these for at least 6 months, though it may take longer depending on how severe your endometriosis is.

8. Cramp Bark (Viburnum opulus) – This is one of the most effective herbs for reducing uterine spasm and cramping. Cramp Bark has been shown to relax the smooth muscles of the body, especially those of the uterus.

Some of you may opt for surgery, remember but surgical options can be combined with natural therapies.

You want to change the root cause of a disease process, not just “cut it out” or “heal with steel”.

Write to me if you would like the written progesterone, Estrogen Detox or Milk Thistle information

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