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Menopause and Aging

Hello, ladies! Unhappy with the aging process? Prematurely Aging? I describe that as aging before you want to! What can you do to slow it down?

Changing hormone levels play a major role in the aging process. Progesterone and DHEA are the ones I like to spotlight. DHEA Levels of these vital hormones start to drop off in perimenopause. DHEA will start to drop off even earlier. It has been called “The Fountain of Youth” by most anti-aging doctors. So, DHEA is a great supplement. Levels of progesterone drop when we stop ovulating every month which can happen in your 30’s. Progesterone helps to regulate thyroid function and metabolism and is vital for beautiful skin.

You can easily rebalance your hormone levels using bio-identical hormones derived from plant sources. Always include bioidentical progesterone with estrogen…never estrogen on its own as this would lead to further hormonal imbalances.

No synthetics please! Synthetics abound because they can be patented by drug companies. Bioidentical hormones are molecularly identical to the hormones found in the human body. Studies show they do not have harmful side effects. They are known in the medical community as BHRT. They are key to youthful looking skin and to your youthful energy. I’ve been using progesterone for 34 years. I started when I was in my 30’s, so you can do the math. And, no plastic surgery. This is all Barbara. And it’s available over the counter. I ran for the hills when a doctor wanted to put me on synthetic hormones. Bio-Identicals have been very good to me!

Now… what about skin care?

Do not settle for a tired appearance including loss of elasticity, brown spots, dullness and sallow looking skin. I know…it is difficult to keep up with all of the “new” products and endless fads. You want to stick to the ingredients that are proven to bring results. The Basics:

  1. Retinoids at night: These Vitamin A derivatives are arguably the most effective for aging skin. The most notable form is retinol for significant improvement in wrinkles, pigmentation, elastic and firmness. I know you will email me for my favorite product, so here it is….Retin-Al. But you can look for a similar product. This is just the one on MY Vanity.

  1. Vitamin C in the Daytime. Topical Vitamin C, specifically Ester-C, is vital for dermal rejuvenation. Clinical studies prevail on this one! You need a potency of 5-15% for improvement in wrinkles and skin tone and overall facial appearance. My favorite: “C” U-Later Wrinkles with 12% Ester C.

  1. Glycolic Acid: This is another secret weapon in the anti-aging battle. It accelerates cell turnover and makes everything else you put on your skin penetrate deeper. I like to use a 10% serum at the minimum.

There are many other proven skin care prodigies…I especially love Hyaluronic Acid for hydration if you have dry skin.

Let your joyful attitude from hormone balance and your glowing skin lead the way as you navigate this wonderful season of life!

Email me for my skin care guide:

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