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Feeling Depressed or Anxious? Or Both?

There is a natural combo that can help: 5-HTP and L-Tyrosine


Combining L-Tyrosine with 5-HTP can restore emotional balance. Adding L-Tyrosine to 5-HTP supplementation helps to restore all of the main neurochemicals relating to positive mood. This combination is gaining popularity as a depression treatment. The pairing is far gentler than prescription drugs like Prozac or Lexapro, and recent studies indicate it may even be more effective. L-Tyrosine also helps with fatigue, weight gain, and low libido.


The combination of mental energy and personal confidence which the combo delivers is the perfect antidote to social anxiety, and makes it easy to interact with other people or even to speak in front of large groups. The combo of L-Tyrosine and 5-HTP provides a calming and focusing effect for people suffering from ADHD, palpitations, clammy hands, and butterflies in the stomach.

Cognition & Memory Problems?

In addition to the powerful mood lift that these two compounds can deliver, users will also enjoy the added cognitive benefits that L-Tyrosine is famous for. Not only does L-Tyrosine boost energy and motivation, it also improves memory and recall, makes concentration easier and contributes to “fluid intelligence”. Your synapses will be flowing freely and your memory lapses and difficulty concentrating can disappear.

Is supplementing L-Tyrosine with 5-HTP safe?

Both of these natural supplements are well-tolerated by most people. Side effects are not reported with moderate doses.

Also, feeling blue is sometimes a normal reaction to events, but we have been taught that we must be forever cheerful. Sometimes life deals you a blow, I know, but don’t take prescription drugs that you do not need. Natural supplements can see you through!

Not depressed, but feeling blah all the time?

You might need a Serotonin boost!

According to researchers, if 2 or more of these statements are true, the answer could be yes:

  1. I’m often tired & sluggish

  2. I have trouble falling asleep &/or staying asleep

  3. I tend to crave sweets &/or carbs

  4. Even after filling meals, I will get the munchies

  5. I often feel stressed, irritable, anxious or blah.

Friends, I take 100 mg of 5-HTP every night. It truly is the happiness/anti-craving supplement. Give it a try!

I take L-Tyrosine daily also. No depression or anxiety for me! Been there, done that. No more!

And I DON’T want it for you!


Let’s stick to “God’s Pharmacy”!

I care about you!



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