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Barbara Hoffman's
Hope for Your Hormones
"Balance Your Hormones... Balance Your Life"
For More Information Watch Barbara's 300+ YouTube Videos You Can Find HERE
Menopause and Aging
Hello, ladies! Unhappy with the aging process? Prematurely Aging? I describe that as aging before you want to! What can you do to slow it...
Sex Drive Solutions
Hi Ladies! A recent email from one of my international customers: “Barbara, please help me! My husband is no longer receiving my charms”....
Natural Help For Fibromyalgia
Natural Help For Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a condition which affects muscles and soft tissue. Symptoms are chronic muscle pain,...
HIRSUTISM: Female Body Hair Do you have coarse black hair on your abdomen or down your belly from the naval to the pubis? Or also on your...
Hello, friends! Dry Eyes can be excruciating at worst, annoying at any level. It is also called SICCA Syndrome or DES. The symptoms are...
Beat the Bloat
Bloated? There’s Help! We all have experienced the symptoms of bloating: feeling tight, swollen, "pants-won't-fit", and just those...
Osteoporosis News: Merck Abandons Osteoporosis Drug
Yes, the Pharmaceutical distributer Merck & Co has discontinued the development of the osteoporosis drug Odanacatib. They also will NOT...
Benefits of Probiotics
When you take probiotics, you are increasing the amount of good bacteria that live in your “gut”, the simple medical term for your...
Adrenals are SO important to keep healthy. Why? Your Adrenal glands are vital for energy production, fat burning and hormone production,...
10 Reasons to get off of Synthetic Hormones
TOP REASONS TO GET OFF SYNTHETIC HORMONES 1. On July 9, 2002, the National Institutes of Health HALTED a landmark scientific study of...
Endometriosis? Curcumin is for you!
Endometriosis is a disorder where endometrial lining is present outside the uterine cavity. The endometrium is the inner lining of the...
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