What Exactly is a Bio-Identical Hormone?Here are the properties of Bio Identical Hormones (Natural Hormones, NOT Synthetic) They are derived from either Soybeans or Wild Yam I...
Question: My hot flashes are worse than ever in this heat! I’ve heard of a hot flash spray – can thaActually, it could. High temperatures very often trigger hot flashes for many women. These sprays contain peppermint oil. Peppermint is...
10 Reasons to get off of Synthetic HormonesTOP REASONS TO GET OFF SYNTHETIC HORMONES 1. On July 9, 2002, the National Institutes of Health HALTED a landmark scientific study of...
Endometriosis? Curcumin is for you!Endometriosis is a disorder where endometrial lining is present outside the uterine cavity. The endometrium is the inner lining of the...
Thyroid UpdateHello, Friends! On my YouTube Channel (Hope For Your Hormones), I have several videos on thyroid health. My most recent one tells you...
7 Things You Should Know about Estrogen Dominance[if !supportLists]Estrogen Dominance refers to the state where the key hormones estrogen and progesterone are not in balance and estrogen...
Hormone Study UpdateHORMONE STUDY UPDATE! Okay, friends....the "jig is up" for synthetic hormones. The WHI study in 2002 showed that synthetic...