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Barbara Hoffman's
Hope for Your Hormones

"Balance Your Hormones... Balance Your Life"
For More Information Watch Barbara's 300+ YouTube Videos You Can Find HERE

Getting your hormone levels tested?
How can I start using natural hormones if I have not had my levels tested? The issue of measuring hormone levels is controversial. Why?...

Vaginal Estrogen
Barbara, I am so confused. My provider wants me to use vaginal estrogen cream for the dryness I have been experiencing. But then my...

Who Needs it? Well, I just completed my first month and I lost 3 pounds WITHOUT changing my eating habits. Are you packing on the...

12 Very Surprising Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance
Anxiety, feeling of dread, apprehension & doom Incontinence, especially upon sneezing and laughing Itchy, crawly skin Aching, sore joints...

Thyroid Update
Hello, Friends! On my YouTube Channel (Hope For Your Hormones), I have several videos on thyroid health. My most recent one tells you...

How do I Know if I have Low Estrogen
Here are signs that you are low in estrogen: Hot flashes Night sweats Vaginal dryness Bladder/ Urinary tract problems may occur or be...

Progesterone Made Easy pt. II
Here you go, friends... More Wonderful News about Progesterone, the "Feel Good" Hormone! Progesterone and your brain suggestions The...

Hormone Study Update
HORMONE STUDY UPDATE! Okay, friends....the "jig is up" for synthetic hormones. The WHI study in 2002 showed that synthetic...
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