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Barbara Hoffman's
Hope for Your Hormones

"Balance Your Hormones... Balance Your Life"
For More Information Watch Barbara's 300+ YouTube Videos You Can Find HERE

Late Menopause
Hello, ladies! Your Question: "Barbara, I am 56 and I am still having a cycle. Am I abnormal? Why am I not in menopause yet?" The...

Skin Cycling With Your BHN/NHS Products
Skin Cycling is a term referring to a four-night skin-care routine that includes two nights of treatments followed by two nights of...

Anxiety Can Be Treated & Supported Naturally
A U.S. Task force is recommending that children between the ages of 8-18 should be screened for anxiety. While it is true that anxiety...

Progesterone for Women Over 60
A question that women have for me all the time is: “Barbara, am I too old for progesterone?” To put it simply: NO! Despite surviving the...

Will Progesterone Cause Weight Gain?
Question: Barbara, will progesterone cause me to gain weight? I’m scared. I am already 30 pounds higher than I want to be! Dear Friend:...

Do You Feel Like an Alien in Your Own Body?
Do you feel out of control over your body, mind, and emotions? Don't feel hopeless! Most Likely It's Your Hormones! I want to help you...

Am I in Perimenopause?
Once we hit age 35 to 40, hormone balance suffers as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol, thyroid, and insulin, may become...

Oral Progesterone Pills: What You Need to Know
Conventional doctors treating hormone imbalances tend to be most comfortable using progesterone in pill form. The most common one is...

The Top 5 Most “Googled” Questions About Menopause!
Menopause can be confusing, frustrating, worrisome and uncertain; it's little wonder that the internet is chock full of information about...

What Age Does Menopause Start?
A lot of you are confused as to when you are in menopause. That is because there are 2 stages: Perimenopause and Menopause. The...

A Strategy For Fighting the Pandemic Weight Gain
Working from Home? Isolated? Eating Habits have changed for the worst? What can I do in this situation? Well, friends, we can pile on the...
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